About Me
my other websites
marching band
stuff about me
PeOpLe FrOm ScHoOl
pIcTuReS i LiKe
~My FaVoRiTe BaNdS~
WeRiD sIgNs
bLiNkIeS aNd CaRtOoN pIc
~WeRiD sAyInGs~
~WeRiD fAcTs~
~EvErYdAy FaCtS tHaT yOu DoNt KnOw~
~LiFe LaWs~
~wHy We CaNt SpEaK eNgLiSh~
~FaCts AbOuT hIsToRy YoU NeVeR nEw~
other website

other website i have made
as you can tell they are all about good charlotte and they are old so the info might be out of date.... i made them when i was really in love with them .... im still in love with them but yeah