About Me
marching band
stuff about me
PeOpLe FrOm ScHoOl
pIcTuReS i LiKe
~My FaVoRiTe BaNdS~
WeRiD sIgNs
bLiNkIeS aNd CaRtOoN pIc
~WeRiD sAyInGs~
~WeRiD fAcTs~
~EvErYdAy FaCtS tHaT yOu DoNt KnOw~
~LiFe LaWs~
~wHy We CaNt SpEaK eNgLiSh~
~FaCts AbOuT hIsToRy YoU NeVeR nEw~
other website

this one time at band camp.......... 

“Entrance Only, Do Not Enter!”

At a Burger King:
“Now Hiring Losers.”

At a railroad station:
“Beware! To touch these wires is instant death. 
Anyone found doing so will be prosecuted.”

At a safari park:
“Elephants Please stay in our car!”

On the door of a  photographer’s office:
“Out to lunch: if not back by five, out for dinner also.”

In an office:
“Would the person who took the step ladder please return it,
or further steps will be taken.”

In a store:
“Bargain Basement Upstairs”

In the newspaper:
“Auction Sunday- New and used food”

Next to a traffic light:
“This light never turns green.”

At a McDonalds:
“Drive-thru parking only”