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Murphy’s Law - Anything that can go wrong, will.

Roos’ Law
- if there’s a harder way of doing something, someone will find it.

Coolidge’s Law
- Anytime you don’t want anything, you get it.

Ettore’s Law - The other line moves faster. (You can almost lay money on this one!

Peter’s Law - The unexpected always happens.

Ade’s Law
- Anybody can win - unless there happens to be a second entry.

Maier’s Law -
If facts do not conform to theory, they must be disposed of.

Berra’s Law
- You can observe a lot just by watching

Clopton’s Law
- For every credibility gap there is a gullibility fill.

Runyon’s Law
- The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that’s the way to bet.

Coolidge’s 2nd Law
- A lost article invariably shows up after you replace it.

Coughlin’s Law
- Don’t talk unless you can improve the silence.

Gomez’ Law
- If you don’t throw it, they can’t hit it.

Lec’s Immutable Law
- the first requisite for immortality is death.

Levenson’s Law
- No matter how well a toupee blends in back, it always look like hell in front.

Ms. Peter’s Law
- Today if you’re not confused you’re just not thinking clearly.

Barnum’s Law
- You can fool most of the people - most of the time.

Pope’s Law
- All looks yellow to a jaundiced eye.

Truman’s Law
- If you can’t convince them, confuse them.

Tuchman’s Law
- If power corrupts, weakness in the seat of power, with its constant necessity of deals and bribes and compromising arrangements, corrupts even more.  

Gates’ Law - If there isn’t a law, there will be.


werid laws~

Winchester, MA:Tightrope walking is illegal here unless you are in church.

Carmel, CA:
It’s against the law for a woman to take a bath in a business office.

Lubbock, TX:
It’s illegal to sleep in a garbage can.

Los Angeles, CA:
It’s against the law to bathe two babies at the same time in the same tub.

Roanoke, VA:
It’s illegal to advertise on tombstones.

South Bend, IN:
It’s against the law to make a monkey smoke.

Oxford, OH:
A woman may not remove her clothing while standing in front of a picture of a man.

It’s illegal to drive a care while you are asleep.

It’s against the law to feed margarine instead of real butter to prisoners.

It’s illegal to peel an orange in your hotel room.

South Dakota:
   Don’t fall asleep in a cheese factory, or you could be arrested.

Garfield County, MT:
It’s illegal to draw funny faces on window shades.

Anyone who comes face to face with a cow on the road, must remove their hat.

Hartford, CN:
It’s illegal to walk across the street on your hands.

Hawaii: It’s illegal to put coins in your ears.